East Chinnock

A small friendly village in Somerset, set halfway between Crewkerne and Yeovil, south facing on the side of East Chinnock Hill.

Hold tight...


The Clock

In 1919 voluntary subscriptions from this parish provided a war memorial in the church costing £20 and a clock with two dials, facing West and North, costing £160. That same clock remai...



The Stained Glass Windows

Apart from the east window which is Victorian, given in memory of Albert Young a churchwarden from 1870-77, all the windows in this church have been made and installed between 1962 and 1988 by Herr...



More About St. Mary's Stained Glass

The Agnus Dei Screen

On entering most churches the eye tends to be drawn towards the East Window but here our attention will be taken by the tower screen which divides the n...



History of St. Mary the virgin

A church has been standing on this site since the end of the eleventh century. Records show that the manor and church of East Chinnock were endowed to the Cluniac Priory at Montacute when it was fo...